inlingua Basel


Basel speaks inlingua


Foreign language skills are a key qualification in a united Europe and a globalized world. With a telc certificate you can document your language skills – at all proficiency levels of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). A telc certificate is a precise, internationally recognised documentation of your achievements. telc stands for “The European Language Certificates” and has over fifty years’ experience.

Important advantages at a glance:

  • Certificate never expires
  • High quality and international recognition at schools and universities, companies and government authorities (i.e. you need a telc A2/B1 certificate to obtain a C-permit in Basel-Stadt)
  • Transparent, world-renowned CEFR level system
  • Authentic, practical examination tasks
  • Examinations and trainings are held on the school premises
  • Flexible examination dates, short registration deadlines
  • Reliable scoring of exams
  • Free practice materials to download
  • Important – partial examinations cannot be combined in order to obtain a telc certificate. telc examinations only lead to a certificate on the condition that you take and pass a complete examination first. If you fail a part, only this partial exam of the failed part has to be repeated and passed in the next 12 months in order to receive the certificate.

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Swiss Citizenship

The telc A2/B1 exams fullfil the requirements in Canton Basel-Stadt perfectly.

For all other Cantons: please check with the authorities in your town/canton before registering for an exam.

Group Exams

We offer several exam appointments per year for the levels A1 to B2. The normal registration period is up to four weeks before the exam date. Late registrations are possible up to two weeks before the exam, but will be charged an additional late fee. Approximately two weeks before your exam, you will receive an email with detailed information concerning your exam. We offer the matching telc training for your exam. If you have further questions, please contact the corresponding telc coordinator.

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Private Exams

Can’t fit our official exam dates into your schedule? We offer private telc exams for almost all levels and exam formats. It can be arranged on 2 to 4 weeks’ notice. Please contact us for further information. If you can’t fit a training into your schedule, consider taking private exam preparation lessons. The course is individually tailored to address your weaknesses and takes place when it’s convenient for you. Contact us via email or give us a call.

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You will get to know the parts of the exam and the regulations, and work out a strategy for obtaining the best possible result on your exam.

Our trainers, most of them telc examiners themselves, will provide you with useful tips and tricks. You’ll practice the most effective expressions and turns of phrase, which you can put to good use in the speaking and writing parts of the exam. You will simulate the exam in reading and listening exercises, as well as training your time management skills. Authentic practice materials and mock tests will give you the best possible insight into the exam that awaits you.

Face-to-face event

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Individual Consultation

We will gladly make time for your individual consultation and answer all your telc related questions.

Astrid Bachmann


Emma Kidger


Levels A1 to B2